8 Mistakes During Surgical Extractions
Surgical extractions involve the removal of a tooth after elevation of a soft tissue flap, removal of bone with or without sectioning of the tooth. At times, surgical extractions may [...]
Snow Days – Namast’ay In Bed
The Georgian Dental® Parent’s Snow Day Survival Guide School’s closed – now what? That’s what many working parents have to contend with when their school-aged children have an unexpected snow [...]
Orthodontic Tooth Movement And Endodontic Treatment
How does orthodontic tooth movement impact endodontic treatment and the outcome? Teeth undergoing orthodontic tooth movement may require endodontic treatment which could be related or unrelated to orthodontic treatment. However, [...]
Predicting The Zika Virus Pandemic Reach – Special Update
As we get closer to March/April and warmer weather, it will be useful to predict where the Zika virus pandemic will spread. Due to the Aedes aegypti mosquito being the [...]
Handsoap: Antibacterial vs Regular
Which one should you avoid? One of the things that we agonize over, especially in our clinic is sanitation and hygiene. With the number of frequent handwashings required during a [...]
What’s Your Love Language?
What if the people around you for whom you cared about could not understand you. How would you tell them that you care for them. What if their language of [...]