8-step Oral Cancer Screening
Approximately 45,750 people in the U.S. and 4,000 Canadians will be newly diagnosed with oral cancer this year. Late-stage diagnosis occurs not because most oral cancers are hard to discover, but because there is a lack of public awareness or a national program that promotes routine screenings.
Early cancer detection is of paramount importance in high morbidity cancers such as gum cancer, tongue cancer, throat cancer or any form of oral cancer in existence. Georgian Dental Orillia has a proven and effective method for for the early detection of Oral Cancer that has helped save several patients to date! Georgian Dental has an Oral Cancer detection process is that is pain free, takes less than 5-10 minutes and costs less than a cup of coffee for a month.
We’ve performed this test as part of the annual complete dental health checkup for our patients and have found and resolved Oral Cancer ‘events’. The most recent was the actual patient case of BM in September 2015, a Zoomer female who DID NOT SMOKE nor CONSUME ALCOHOL. More interestingly, BM was previously assessed by a specialist who did not think the ulcerating lesion on the right side of her tongue was cancerous, but we preserved and monitored.
A trip to the amazing team at Sunnybrook Health Sciences centre and a decisive surgery for partial resection of the tongue left BM with a relatively short recovery and rehabilitation, plus an excellent story to tell; that sometimes, Oral Cancer or any cancer for that matter, may not always occur in the person that one would expect.
“Approximately 45,750 people in the U.S. and 4,000 Canadians will be newly diagnosed with oral cancer this year.”
What you do at home to screen on a monthly basis
Use “The 8-Step Oral Cancer Screening” to guide your home efforts for screening for unusual patches (look for blistering red/white lesions) that may or may not be painful but that have not gone away after two weeks. Contact Georgian Dental Orillia at (705)325-1765 or Georgian Dental Barrie at (705)739-6725 and have us scan those for you with our oral cancer detection process IMMEDIATELY. Click Here to download and print the image, then attach to the side of your mirror where you brush your teeth.
A Disruptive Early Oral Cancer Test
Now, wouldn’t an early cancer detection technique for terminal cancers such as pancreatic cancer, lung cancer that is 400 times faster than the current medical standard be ground breaking? What if that test only runs at a cost of $0.03 (three cents) per test?
What would be more amazing is if this particular test was achieved by the determination of a 15 year old teenage boy. Check out Jack’s Story here: http://go.ted.com/CjgJ
Click here to download a FREE Transcript of Jack’s Ted Talk Jack Andraka: A promising test for pancreatic cancer … from a teenager | TED Talk | TED.com
Be sure that a proven and effective Oral Cancer Screening process is part of your annual dental checkup. To reserve an appointment, call Georgian Dental Orillia at (705)325-1765 or Georgian Dental Barrie at (705)739-6725 today and join us in becoming part of our Human Longevity Project™.
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