Treatment Options for Receding Gums

If the gum tissues have already receded, Dr. Adam Tan, Dr. Stephen Crosby and Dr. Siu Ng offer several types of gum recession treatment in Orillia, Ontario, including:
- Pocket Depth Reduction
- Tissue Regeneration
- The Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST™)
- The Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST™)

The Pinhole Procedure
PST™ Gum Surgery

- Minimally invasive – no cutting or stitches
- PST™ gum surgery is tolerable – minimal bleeding and inflammation
- Treat several areas at once
- Same-day results – enjoy a beautiful, healthy-looking gum line right away
- Recovery is fast
Our dental treatments range from simple exams and cleanings to full-mouth restoration. We provide comprehensive dentistry for children and adults in both Barrie and Orillia, ON. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us today. We look forward to focusing on your individual needs and goals to ensure the best, longest-lasting results.
Gum Recession Treatment Options in Barrie and Orillia, ON

Many patients tend to ignore gum recession, as it does not affect daily life in the beginning stages. However, several complications including tooth loss and misalignment can occur after an extended period. One of the best ways to avoid gum recession is to seek early gum disease treatment.

Pocket Depth Reduction

When gum disease treatment is not provided early enough, the gum tissue may detach from the teeth and form periodontal pockets. These pockets can trap plaque and bacteria and need to be addressed right away. Pocket depth reduction involves folding back the gum tissue so that bacteria, plaque, and tartar deposits can be removed. Then, the gum tissue is trimmed and sutured back in place, thus reducing the depths of the pockets
Tissue Regeneration

Tissue regeneration involves placing a regenerative material over the affected area. This is usually a membrane or tissue stimulating protein that is put in place after a pocket depth reduction procedure but before the tissue is sutured back in place. The goal is to promote bone and tissue regrowth and restore the gum line to a healthier level.


PST™ is a new procedure that enables the treatment of gum recession in a minimally invasive manner. A small, pinhole sized opening is created within the gum tissue to allow Dr. Tan, Dr. Crosby and Dr. Siu Ng to loosen and reposition the tissue over exposed root surfaces. No sutures are required and patients experience a quick recovery period.
Gum Graft

This is used for patients who have experienced moderate to severe recession as a result of gum disease. Treatment involves taking a tissue sample from one part of the mouth and suturing it to the area in need, restoring the gum line to a more natural level.
Gum disease treatment may be necessary before receding gum tissues can be repaired. Patients in need of gum disease or gum recession treatment in Orillia, Ontario can contact Dr. Tan, Dr. Crosby and Dr. Siu Ng to schedule a consultation today!

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