The Mercury and Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Connection
TV anchor says mercury fillings gave her Multiple Sclerosis symptoms. Personal story that will inspire and educate you. […]
Oral Cancer
Oral Cancer (Mouth Cancer) Symptoms Oral Cancer is caused by the uncontrollable growth of cells of the oral tissues including gums, tongue and throat, that invade and cause damage to [...]
Twisted Tastebuds
Were you taught back in school that the tongue has different zones for each taste? The truth is that it actually doesn't. The illustrations from grade school would show the [...]
Do Not Put A Genetically Modified Organism Into Your Mouth
What Are GMOs? From April 19th through April 25th we launch GMO Awareness Week. We set aside an entire week dedicated to providing you with information on GMOs and labeling initiatives. [...]
Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections
Information sourced from The Cochrane Library: Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections Abstract Background Probiotics may improve a person's health by regulating their immune function. Some trials have [...]
Vegetarian Diets Are Associated with Lower Risk for Colorectal Cancer
Vegetarian Diets Are Associated with Lower Risk for Colorectal Cancer In an observational study, no red meat consumption conferred CRC benefit. High red meat consumption is associated with excess risk [...]